Motor Claims Pack
Practical help at the scene of an accident

Motor Claims Pack
We recognise that road traffic accidents are stressful and often chaotic. It can be difficult to remember all the details and collect the information required for the claim to be processed quickly and smoothly. The information here is intended to help drivers at the scene of an accident.
Fault Accidents
Reporting any claim at the earliest opportunity helps to keep third party claims costs to a minimum.
In respect of fault accidents, the cost of supplying a replacement vehicle to third parties is having a dramatic effect on insurance claims, as Credit Hire Companies provide like for like vehicles to claimants at a cost that tends to be substantially more than the rates that your insurers can negotiate.
When an incident is your fault, it is important to notify the claim at the earliest opportunity to either your insurers or your broker, preferably at the roadside at the time of the incident – time is a key factor as once a credit hire company has contacted the third party and provided them with a vehicle it then becomes impossible to stop this process. Contacting us or your insurer can assist in reducing claims costs.
We will provide you with details of your insurers first response claims number.
Our claims department are on hand to help you on 020 8290 9085 between 9am and 5pm Monday – Friday.
At the Scene of an Accident
In the event of an accident it is essential to obtain as much information at the earliest opportunity to cut down on inflated repair costs, disputes on liability and fraudulent claims. The more information and evidence that can be obtained at the time, the greater the chance of successfully defending a claim.
In the event of an accident, it is advisable to :
- Take photographs of vehicles positions on the road
- Take at least 1 photograph of the registration of the third party vehicle
- Take at least 1 photograph of any damage to your vehicle
- Take at least 2 photographs of the third parties damage (either vehicle or building/property)
- Take photographs of all of the front and rear panels of the third party vehicle
- anything else that you feel relevant to the accident
Please also obtain details (name, address, telephone number) of any witnesses.
To help you in the event that you are involved in an accident, you can either download and print off our In Cab Accident Report Form , Motor Claim Form and Witness Information Form or complete them online below.
Need to make a claim?

The Anthony Jones claims team are here to help make the claims process as easy as possible for you. They are in the office during the week from 9am to 5pm.
Contact either:
Liz Tibble on 020 8290 9085 or email her at
Jay Dalgliesh on 020 8290 9085 or email him at