What is an Insurance Endorsement?

What is an Insurance Endorsement?

What is an insurance endorsement? The British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) define an insurance endorsement as the ‘term used to describe an amendment to a policy document’ Effectively, an insurance endorsement is a record of any changes which have been made to...

Managing COVID-19 In The Workplace in 2022

Whilst legal requirements around testing for COVID and self-isolating came to an end in February 2022, and advice to stay at home following a positive test ended in April, COVID-19 is very much still with us. In fact, since the legal guidance ended, we have seen a...

What Happens if Vape Shops Sell to Under 18s?

The popularity of vaping continues to grow. But alongside this, concerns remain about use of vaping devices by young people (under 18s). They are after all, only legal to sell to over 18s in England. But there seems to be an increasing trend of young people taking up...