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Actions Businesses Need To Take Post Brexit

Now that the UK has left the EU, there are actions that businesses need to take in order to adapt to the changes brought about by the UK leaving: the EU’s customs unions the EU’s single market the EU’s entire legal order What actions do...

Vnuk Ruling – Some Common Sense at Last?

The problem arises from the 2014 decision of the European Court of Justice in Damijan Vnuk v Zavarovalnica Triglav. Mr Vnuk was injured in a Slovenian farmyard when he was knocked from a ladder by a trailer attached to a tractor. In...

Insurance Premium Tax: How Much Is It & Will It Rise?

With the substantial sums of money spent during the Coronavirus crisis on the furlough scheme and supporting both businesses and individuals, there will come a time when the government need to decide how and when to start to pay back the...

Legal Expenses Insurance: What Cover Should Your SME Have?

Direct Line recently released figures which showed that one in three small businesses had to deal with a legal issue within the last 12 months. Addressing legal issues can be expensive for businesses. They can also disrupt business...

Employee Vaccinations, Testing for Covid-19

Now in the grips of lockdown 3.0 the majority of workers in the UK are being told to work from home if they can. But where this is not possible, some employees are continuing to travel to their place of work. In these situations, it is...

Cyber Security In 2021 – What To Be Aware Of

There have been many high-profile cyber breaches in recent years which demonstrate the need for businesses to place a strong focus on cyber security.  And as we’ve said before, it’s vital that SME’s don’t make the mistake of thinking...

How Will Intellectual Property Rights Change Following Brexit?

The end of the Brexit transition period is in less than 4 days now. As a result, the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) have issued guidance on changes to UK intellectual property law as the UK leaves the EU IP systems. What impact will...

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