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Lithium Battery Use, Safety and Care: E-Scooters, Vapes & More

Lithium Battery Use, Safety and Care: E-Scooters, Vapes & More

Lithium-ion batteries power many modern devices, including e-bikes, e-scooters, smartphones, and vapes. They’re compact, lightweight, efficient, rechargeable, and affordable. But unfortunately, they also carry certain safety risks. In...

How to Protect Your Business From a Flood

How to Protect Your Business From a Flood

No business is safe from the risk of flooding. Floods are the most common of all natural disasters in the UK, and the government issues alerts and warnings on an almost weekly basis. You can check if your business is located on a...

Why Has Business Insurance Gone Up in 2023?

Why Has Business Insurance Gone Up in 2023?

Has the cost of your business insurance gone up in 2023? We’re all living through an ongoing cost of living crisis. But why should increased costs extend to insurance premiums? In this post we’ll explore some of the underlying reasons...

Flexible Working Request Reform – Changes in 2023

Flexible Working Request Reform – Changes in 2023

New government reforms aim to make flexible working the default in the UK. What Are the New Flexible Working Rules? Under the new rules, UK employees will be able to request flexible working from day one of their employment. The new rules...

What is ESG and Why is it Important for Businesses?

What is ESG and Why is it Important for Businesses?

In this post we’ll explain why businesses need to take ESG seriously. And if you don’t yet have an ESG policy, we’ll show you where you can get started. What is ESG? ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. They are areas or...

Does an NDA Help Protect Your intellectual Property?

Does an NDA Help Protect Your intellectual Property?

Most businesses will hold some form of intellectual property. And as such will want to take steps to protect it. Here we look at NDA’s and how it may be possible to make use of one to protect some elements of your intellectual property....

What is a Swiss-Style Brexit? Introduction for Small Business

What is a Swiss-Style Brexit? Introduction for Small Business

Brexit has been back in the news recently (although we’re not sure it’s ever really stopped) with rumblings around the possibility of a Swiss-style Brexit deal. News reports suggest there had been some discussion within Government around...

How to Keep Your Business Premises Safe & Secure Over Christmas

How to Keep Your Business Premises Safe & Secure Over Christmas

With the Christmas period almost upon us, you may be thinking of shutting your business premises for a few days (or more). So here is a quick checklist of areas you should consider before taking a break. Weather proofing Cold weather can...

Index Linking: Current Rate & How Is It Calculated?

Index Linking: Current Rate & How Is It Calculated?

What does index linking mean in insurance? Indexation is the figure that is used to increase the amount of insurance cover you have on an annual basis, to help combat the effects of inflation and under insurance. Most building insurance...

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