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What Does Legal Expenses Insurance Cover?

What is legal expenses insurance? Legal expenses insurance is designed to offer protection to businesses who find themselves facing a legal dispute. Legal expenses insurance typically covers the costs associated with both defending or...

Covid Booster Vaccine: Who, When & What It Means?

Tuesday 14th September saw the latest press conference held by Boris Johnson, this time to discuss the winter plans to deal with COVID-19 in England. Amongst the information provided was the go ahead for Covid booster vaccines to be used...

Defamation of Character in the Workplace

Businesses face a number of different risks on a daily basis. And one which seems to be on the rise is defamation of character in the workplace. Here we look at what defamation of character is, how it applies in the workplace and how to...

What Insurance Do Online Businesses Need?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a unique set of circumstances for many businesses. And with lockdowns and shutdowns of physical premises, many businesses have had to adjust strategy and set up an effective online presence to attract and...

What Expenses Can I Claim When Working from Home?

Many people are working from home at the moment. And whether you do this full time because you are self-employed or have been working from home due to COVID-19 rules and restrictions, you may be able to claim expenses for the costs that...

Returning to Work After Lockdown & Covid

Lockdown easing has been happening for many months in England now, with one aspect being the changing of ‘work from home where possible’ guidance which was in force until 19th July 2021. This means more employers and employees may be...

Vaccine Passports For Businesses: Nightclubs & More

There has been speculation about whether vaccine passports will be introduced ever since the vaccination campaign began in the UK back in December 2020. And whilst the UK government initially rejected the idea, it seems to once again be...

What is After the Event Insurance & How Does It Work?

What is after the event insurance? Most insurance policies are purchased to mitigate a known risk, but one which has not yet happened – i.e., before the event. For example, you buy cyber insurance for your business because you know...

Our Guide To Arranging The Right Insurance For Your Business

Insurance helps you recover from unforeseen events that impact your business financially, helping you get back on your feet so that you can continue to operate. Whilst you may not see the tangible benefits of insurance until you need to...

Tax Relief for Working From Home 2021-22

With work from home where possible guidance in force for many months now, many of us have been required to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. And whilst there have probably been highs and lows associated with this new working...

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