Steve is a familiar figure at Anthony Jones Insurance Brokers. As Head of Commercial Motor and a company director, in normal times he spends a lot of time out and about visiting commercial motor customers. During lockdown these meetings...
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Changes to Testing Requirements for Hauliers Travelling Between Europe and the UK
As of 11.00pm Monday 22 February, COVID testing requirements for hauliers travelling from Europe to the UK via France are changing. The testing requirement still remains in place, however there are two important changes: Drivers on a...
Vnuk Ruling – Some Common Sense at Last?
The problem arises from the 2014 decision of the European Court of Justice in Damijan Vnuk v Zavarovalnica Triglav. Mr Vnuk was injured in a Slovenian farmyard when he was knocked from a ladder by a trailer attached to a tractor. In...
Green Cards and Business Travel Insurance: What Commercial Operators Need When Travelling to the EU
Brexit has meant a lot of changes for businesses across the UK. None more so than hauliers and those in the transport and logistics sector whose vehicles and drivers travel from the UK to the EU. One area which has changed are Green Card...
Reducing The Risk Of Vehicle Theft
Whether you run a vehicle for personal, business or commercial usage, the last thing that anyone wants is for their vehicle to be stolen. But unfortunately, figures suggest that vehicle thefts have been increasing in recent years. As well...
Can Poppy Seeds Make Drivers Fail Drug Tests?
Driving under the influence of drugs is a serious offence. But studies have shown that some products that you wouldn’t normally associate with drugs can lead to failed drug tests and positive samples. Here we look specifically at whether...
Come and See Us at the Virtual Commercial Motor Show!
The Commercial Motor Show is taking place as a virtual event from 29 September until 1 October and we’ll be there as an exhibitor. While many events have been cancelled this year, Commercial Motor took the decision to push ahead with...
HGV Daily Checks: A Guide
Drivers, vehicle operators and transport and fleet managers have a responsibility and duty to ensure that the vehicles they operate are safe to drive and roadworthy. And whilst this is true of all vehicle types, there are specific checks...
Driver Risk Assessments: Risks to Consider
Driving. Something that most of us do on a regular basis, whether for personal use, commuting or as a job. But as an activity, it can be considered one of the riskiest that humans carry out. Road safety is a big focus in the UK, yet...
Drug Driving Penalties & UK Statistics
Recent drug driving UK statistics suggest that drug driving is becoming more prevalent than drink driving. Figures show that in some areas, police forces are carrying out 50% more arrests for drug driving than for drink driving. There is...
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