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Coronavirus Business Scams & Fraud

Action Fraud recently released data showing that since February 2020, Coronavirus scams have resulted in victims losing a total of £800k. Sadly, it seems that during this challenging time, criminals are targeting individuals and...

Coronavirus and Cyber Risk

The news is of course filled with the Coronavirus pandemic at this current time. And unfortunately, that stretches to cybercrime. There have been many reports that cyber criminals are exploiting the Coronavirus crisis – targeting...

10 steps to cyber security while you’re working from home

We hope that everyone is staying safe and well. As the lockdown continues (and looks as though it will remain in place for several weeks yet), we are all getting used to working from home and the challenges that brings. One of the key...

Which Cyber-Attacks May Disrupt Your Business In 2020?

The risk of cybercrime to businesses isn’t going away. And there are many cyber-attacks which may affect your businesses in 2020. In fact, just days into the new year, travel money business Travelex was reported to have suffered a...

How Secure is Dropbox & Other Cloud Storage for Business?

IT security will be a big priority to all businesses, large and small. Having the best system in place to allow you to securely save and share work is a key element to this. Particularly given the way that many businesses operate today....

What is Cyber Liability Insurance & Who Needs It

Today, businesses of all sizes have some exposure to cyber-crime. In fact, figures suggest that almost half of small businesses suffered a cyber-attack or breach in the previous 12 months. Being victim of a cyber-attack can cause...

How to Prevent Cyber Attacks

Cyber-crime is a real risk to business and something we have blogged about numerous times as we consider it an issue that businesses of all sizes must take seriously. British Airways recent cyber-attack which saw hackers harvest details...

Why are Cyber criminals targeting SME’s and what are the risks?

Cybercrime is a topic we’ve blogged about on numerous occasions recently. And that’s because it’s a real risk to business of all sizes that isn’t going away anytime soon. What is the risk of cybercrime to SME’s? There is a real risk to...

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General enquiries:
020 8290 4560

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