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Travel Insurance advice for those travelling to Sri Lanka

Following the devastating attacks in Sri Lanka over the Easter weekend, the Foreign and Common Wealth Office (FCO) have now issued travel advice to those planning to travel to Sri Lanka in the immediate future. Following the attacks, the...

Elderly Drivers: Advice & Rules of the Road

Road rules are there to protect all drivers, regardless of age. However, it is acknowledged that as drivers get older, there are some extra considerations that are good to be aware of. Whilst many of these considerations typically apply...

Home security – Minimising the risk of crime

Home burglaries and thefts are of obvious concern to everyone, and we all go to great lengths to protect our homes and properties. Having home insurance in place is one way to protect yourself but reviewing your home security and security...

A beginner’s guide to life and critical illness insurance

Do you have any life or critical illness insurance in place to provide cover if anything were to happen to you? Would your family be able to pay the mortgage or cover the monthly bills if you weren’t around any longer or couldn’t work...

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You can call us during normal office hours, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Outside of office hours you can either email us or leave an answerphone message and we promise to get back to you the next working day.

General enquiries:
020 8290 4560

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