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Transport and Logistics Businesses: Being COVID Secure

During the current lockdown, many businesses are unable to open except for those classed as providing essential goods and services. Many businesses in the transport and logistics industry fall into this category – hauliers, removal...

Spotlight on… Steve Blackmore

Steve is a familiar figure at Anthony Jones Insurance Brokers. As Head of Commercial Motor and a company director, in normal times he spends a lot of time out and about visiting commercial motor customers. During lockdown these meetings...

Road Safety And A Focus on Risk Management

During conversations with our customers, or potential customers, one of the most important areas we cover is that of risk management. The importance of which we cannot stress enough. When it comes to the transport and logistics sector in...

New Brexit Rules: What Actions Do Hauliers Need To Take

The Brexit deal was finally agreed on the 24th December, with the new rules and regulations coming into force from the 1st January. And whilst it feels as if the deal has been somewhat overshadowed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,...

Morning After Alcohol: Units When Driving The Next Day

Figures suggest that around 20% of drink driving convictions are for those stopped by the police in the morning. We look at the risks of driving the morning after drinking, drink driving penalties and how fleet managers can help their...

Driving In Europe After Brexit: Will You Need A Green Card?

Whatever the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations there will be changes for drivers when it comes to driving in Europe after 1st January 2021. Regardless of whether we find ourselves in a no deal situation or not, it is likely you...

Growth In The Transport And Logistics Sector

The transport and logistics sector has been highlighted as an area undergoing significant growth – both before the COVID pandemic hit and accelerated further by lockdowns. What is fuelling growth in the transport and logistics sector? The...

Can You Travel from Tier 3 to Tier 2 for Work?

With the second lockdown period in England ending on the 2nd December, it is to be replaced by a revised 3 Tier system. And as the lockdown eases, 99% of the population will be placed in either Tier 2 or Tier 3. As a business, employer or...

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