A School Street scheme involves setting restrictions for motorised traffic on the roads outside and surrounding a school. Usually, these restrictions will apply at the start and end of the school day.
In this post we’ll discuss how School Streets work along with the benefits they can bring. We will also explore how the School Street network might expand in the coming years.
How Do School Streets Work?
Local authorities will use their traffic management owners to transform certain streets into pedestrian and cycle zones on set hours each day. In most cases, the restrictions will apply during the “school run” hours – the “drop off” and “pick-up” times, when the school day starts and ends.
During these hours, most motor vehicles will be restricted from driving on the designated School Streets.
A School Street scheme may apply to a whole road outside a school, or just a small part of the road. It could even apply to multiple roads in the area surrounding the school.
School Street Scheme Exemptions
Depending on the area, some vehicles may be exempt, including local residents, Blue Badge holders, and emergency vehicles.
What Are The Benefits of School Streets?
According to the National Travel Survey, around 40% of all primary school children and 25% of secondary school children are driven to school by car or van.
Research by Transport for London revealed that, during school term times, the school run is responsible for 25% of all morning traffic in the city. The government suggests that this figure might be even higher in other parts of the country.
School Streets are intended to reduce congestion in school areas, along with the associated levels of noise and air pollution. Less congestion means improved road safety, not just outside the school but also in the surrounding areas.
School Streets are also intended to contribute towards the aims of the government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy. The aim was to increase the percentage of primary school children that usually walk to school from 49% in 2014, to 55% in 2025.
Where Are The UK’s School Streets?
The first UK School Street was introduced by East Lothian Council in 2014. Edinburgh Council introduced a School Street scheme in 2015. The first English councils to introduce School Streets included Solihull and the London Borough of Camden.
There are now dozens of School Streets across Scotland and England, with a handful in South Wales too. Mostly, the School Streets exist in urban areas, but they’re also popping up in more rural, less populated areas.
You can see a map of all the existing School Streets in the UK.
If there is not currently a School Street in your area, and you’re wondering if there will be, you can contact the School Streets Initiative here. But as School Streets are implemented and managed by local authorities, you should contact your local council too.
Will School Streets Affect Your Business?
If you’re a fleet manager, then you might be concerned about how a School Street might affect your business. Or, if you run any other kind of business and your premises are near a school, you might wonder whether a current or future School Street will make it harder for your staff to get to work.
First, School Streets are only operational for a few hours each day – in the early morning, and then again in the late afternoon. So, if you’re a fleet manager or driver, it will simply be a case of finding alternative routes around the School Streets should your vehicles need to pass through the area at these times.
If you feel your business will be affected by the restrictions, you could contact your local authorities to enquire about exemptions for your staff. Or, you could use the School Street initiative to kickstart an initiative of your own, to encourage your staff to walk, cycle, or take public transport to work.
But once again – School Street restrictions only apply for a few hours each day, and even then, they only apply to certain roads, or certain parts of roads. It’s very unlikely that your business and your employees will even notice the restrictions!
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