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New Employee Checklists for Small Businesses

As a new business you may work only for yourself. But once your business becomes established you may start to consider taking on employees and looking at ways in which to build on your success. As a business owner, once you start to grow...

What is ELTO and What Is It’s Purpose?

In our latest blog we look at an introduction to what is ELTO and what it means for businesses, insurers and claimants. What is ELTO? ELTO stands for The Employers’ Liability Tracing Office. It is an independent body formed by the...

What Changes May Impact SME’s in 2020?

As an SME you will likely face many changes to the environment you operate in. Whether these be macro or micro factors. But what are some of the key changes that may impact SME’s in 2020? Brexit Compared to the noise being made about...

How Will Brexit Impact Your Business In 2020?

The UK officially left the European Union on the 31st January 2020. But what happens next? And what will the Brexit impact on business in 2020 be? What happens now the UK has left the EU? The UK agreed a deal with the EU which sets out...

What does an Insurance Broker do?

There are many ways in which to buy your insurance cover. Direct from an insurer or through a comparison site. But have you considered working with an insurance broker? Here we look at what insurance brokers do and why you may want to...

What is Business interruption insurance?

As a business have you heard of business interruption insurance or know what cover it provides? If not, you are not alone. It is thought that as many as 40% of businesses lack adequate business interruption cover. Yet business...

Winter Weather: Reducing the Risk to your Business

We all know that the winter can bring with it more challenging weather conditions. And with winter weather can come risk to businesses. Not only can winter weather cause severe disruption to the normal running of a business, it also...

Flooding: Business Contingency Planning

Flooding is a risk that we are all too well aware of at this time of year. And a risk which is becoming ever prevalent year-round given changing weather patterns. If your business premises are impacted by flooding the effects can be...

Types of Intellectual Property For Your Business

Did you know that as much as 80% of some companies’ value can be derived from their intangible assets – their intellectual property? Whatever the value, all businesses, regardless of size, will have some form of intellectual property....

SME Insurance: The Value Of Working With A Broker

As an SME how do you arrange your insurance? And how do you ensue with certainty that you have sufficient insurance in place to protect your business if the worst were to happen? If these are areas that concern you and your business, then...

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