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How to Write a Patent Application

If you hold Intellectual property within your business, it is vital to adequately protect it. One of the areas that you may need to consider is that of applying for a patent if your business has an idea or an invention. According to...

How To Choose The Right Insurance Broker?

Working with an insurance broker can add significant value to your business for a range of reasons. Many of which we cover in our blog looking at the reasons why you should work with an insurance broker. Ultimately, choosing the right...

Act of God in Insurance: What Does It Mean Legally?

Historically, many insurance policies would have had an act of God clause in their policy wording. But this is less common these days, with insurers preferring to use more specific clauses defining what events are and aren’t covered by an...

What is VAT Fraud & How to Report It?

Not all businesses need to be VAT registered. But if your business has a VAT taxable turnover of more than £85,000 then you must register your business for VAT with HMRC. Once you are VAT registered then you will have certain...

Cyber Crime Future Predictions For 2022: What Lies Ahead

Cybercrime is sadly not a business risk that is going away any time soon. In fact, cybercriminals continue to find new and more sophisticated ways to breach cyber security systems. With this in mind, we look at some of the possible...

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