Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) directly affects the price of insurance premiums. One study suggested that around 84% of UK homes pay IPT. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) have described IPT as a “hidden in plain sight” tax and...

Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) directly affects the price of insurance premiums. One study suggested that around 84% of UK homes pay IPT. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) have described IPT as a “hidden in plain sight” tax and...
If you were diagnosed with a serious illness, knowing that you have a financial cushion if you are unable to work can offer real peace of mind during a difficult time. That is what critical illness insurance cover is there to do. If you...
No one wants to think of the worst happening. But if the worst should happen, such as being diagnosed with a serious illness, the last thing you or your family want to be preoccupied with during a difficult and emotional time is financial...
Insurance. Many people are used to and comfortable with covering their car and home or even their mobile. But fewer think about themselves and dare we say it their income. However, it is so important that financial considerations are...
Here at Anthony Jones, we partner with Zurich Insurance allowing us to provide life and critical illness protection to you at affordable prices. Having life cover in place can offer the reassurance that, if something were to happen to...
A new tool called FaceQuote has been developed by our insurer partner, Zurich, to work out the cost of life insurance from a photo of your face. Using the photo, FaceQuote estimates your age and then calculates the cost of life cover...
Do you have any life or critical illness insurance in place to provide cover if anything were to happen to you? Would your family be able to pay the mortgage or cover the monthly bills if you weren’t around any longer or couldn’t work...
If the worst were to happen and you died, the emotional and financial upset for your family would, understandably, be devastating. While there is little you can do to prevent their emotional pain, you can ease their financial worries....
We can’t predict what the future holds – but we can make decisions to minimise the risks. Life is always going to be full of surprises – both good and bad – so it’s important to plan wisely. Life and critical illness insurance can provide...
Over recent decades there has been a deterioration in working conditions for those driving delivery trucks and long distance vehicles for a living. This is largely due to an increase in traffic pollution, traffic congestion, noise...
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