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DAC Beachcroft – A look at counter fraud

At Anthony Jones we work closely with DAC Beachcroft, our legal partner. With specialist teams dealing with numerous legal issues across the insurance industry they provide a wealth of information. We thought this recent podcast looking...

What is an HGV Class 2 Licence?

Drivers must be aware of which licence they need to hold in order to drive certain vehicles. Licence types define both the size and weight of both the vehicle and trailer that can be driven. If you are unsure what your licence allows you...

What is an HGV Class 1 Licence?

When it comes to the haulage industry there are a number of definitions that it is important to be aware of particularly if you are an HGV driver or are looking to become one. Equally, if you are a fleet manager it is important that you...

What is Tramping and Trunking in HGVs?

With over 1 billion tonnes of goods transported by road in the UK annually, the haulage industry is a significant one. Here we look at some of the key terminology within the HGV industry, why there is a requirement for different types of...

HGV Driving Hours: How Many 15 Hour Days Can an HGV Driver Do?

Given that driving could be considered one of the most dangerous vocations, and when coupled with responsibility for large HGVs, it’s not hard to understand why HGV drivers are subject to some very strict rules. The 28th April is ‘World...

Ogden Discount Rate Consultation End Date Announced

In the last week it was announced that an outcome of the current review should be completed by August 2019. We have blogged previously about the Ogden Rate (also known as the discount rate) and the impact that changes to it have on...

How Much Does Goods in Transit Insurance Cost?

For those running a fleet or commercial vehicle there are many insurance needs to consider. Of course, it is important to cover the vehicle itself but what about the goods you may be transporting? Whether you are transporting your own...

Vehicle Repair Costs and the Effect on Fleet Insurance

There are many factors that impact the cost of Fleet Insurance. One of the big factors is claims with the insurance industry continuing to experience rising costs of claims due to a number of factors: - Increased technology in vehicles...

Green cards to become a requirement in event of no deal Brexit

If we should leave the EU under a no deal Brexit, there will be a number of new requirements for drivers who are taking their own vehicles abroad. At the time of writing we are currently set to leave the EU on the 29th March and as yet a...

Driving Abroad: Tips for HGV drivers in 2019

Before you drive your HGV abroad you must make sure that you are prepared – take a moment to check the road rules of the country you are travelling to and the documentation you need to carry with you. Here we look at some of the important...

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