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EHIC Card After Brexit: Is It Still Valid?

Despite business travel being off the cards for many at this time, allowed in only very limited circumstances, rules and regulation relating to travel to Europe have changed now that Brexit has completed. This will mean business...

Make Your Business a Safer Workplace with Regular Testing

Register by the 12 April to take advantage of free regular testing until June. As we move towards 12 April and the next stage in the easing of restrictions we look forward to taking these next steps safely.  However, as we get to that...

New Rules For Travelling to Europe For Work Explained

We know that travel for many is off the agenda at the moment with current COVID-19 regulation and guidance. Essential business travel continues to be allowed in some very limited circumstances ‘where it is not reasonably possible to...

Underinsurance: What Is It And What Are The Risks To Businesses

What is underinsurance? Underinsurance is another way of saying that you do not have enough insurance for your needs. If, when you come to claim on your insurance policy you do not have sufficient insurance to cover the losses you have...

Brexit: The Northern Ireland Protocol

What is the Northern Ireland Protocol? Do you move goods into, out of, or through Northern Ireland? If the answer to the question above is yes, then you will need to be aware of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The Northern Ireland Protocol...

When Can Businesses Reopen in February?

Boris Johnson has this week set out the roadmap for the reopening of society and businesses in England as we start to emerge from lockdown. The headline news is that the earliest date for when businesses can reopen is the 12th April. And...

Tough Times – The Rising Cost of Insurance

The past year or so has been tough - tough for all of us on both a personal and business level. We can’t make financial stresses go away but we are here to help you address your insurance needs as best we can. Rising Cost of Claims...

Actions Businesses Need To Take Post Brexit

Now that the UK has left the EU, there are actions that businesses need to take in order to adapt to the changes brought about by the UK leaving: the EU’s customs unions the EU’s single market the EU’s entire legal order What actions do...

Vnuk Ruling – Some Common Sense at Last?

The problem arises from the 2014 decision of the European Court of Justice in Damijan Vnuk v Zavarovalnica Triglav. Mr Vnuk was injured in a Slovenian farmyard when he was knocked from a ladder by a trailer attached to a tractor. In...

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