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What Progress Has Been Made With Electric Vehicles

The government have pledged to ban petrol and diesel vehicles as well as hybrid vehicles by 2035. Once the ban comes in, only new electric (or hydrogen powered) vehicles will be allowed to be purchased. But what progress has been made...

The Potential Impact of the Coronavirus on the Cargo Industry

As a long established insurance broker focused on meeting the needs of transport and logistics businesses, we have considerable experience in the ebbs and flows of the sector. At a time of rising pressures on the cost and availability of...

HGV Medical: What is Involved & When Is It Due?

All HGV drivers in the UK are required to undergo a medical to assess whether they are fit to drive a heavy goods vehicle. Here we look at common questions relating to HGV medicals – what is involved and when is the medical due. Here we...

What is CMR Insurance & Who Needs It?

When it comes to transporting goods by road, there are specific rules which apply to international road haulage. One of these refers to the CMR Convention. What is the CMR Convention? The CMR Convention is a United Nations convention...

Winter Weather: Reducing the Risk to your Business

We all know that the winter can bring with it more challenging weather conditions. And with winter weather can come risk to businesses. Not only can winter weather cause severe disruption to the normal running of a business, it also...

Who is Liable for Goods Damaged in Transit?

With increasing numbers of goods being ordered online and delivered to individuals via road, there is the opportunity for goods to be damaged whilst in transit. But if goods are damaged in transit who is liable? What should you do if you...

Smart Motorway Review: Are they Safe?

Safety is a big concern when it comes to the roads. Road Safety Week took place recently looking at the actions which can be taken to improve the safety of all journeys made on the road. One area of the roads currently attracting...

Road Safety Week 2019: How to Get Involved

Road Safety Week 2019 is taking place between the 18th-24th November. Organised by the charity Brake, Road Safety Week is an annual event which aims to promote road safety and encourage people to take actions to improve road safety. At...

Preparing Your Fleet Business For Winter

Recent news has seen warnings that Britain could be hit with the coldest winter in 70 years. Whilst we know every year there are warnings of this type, many of which do not turn out to be as harsh as the news headlines predicted, now is a...

Common Times for Speeding: When Do Offences Occur?

Speeding is one of the most common ways in which drivers across the UK break the law when it comes to driving. In fact, over 2million speeding tickets were issued in 2017 alone. New research has revealed the most common times for speeding...

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