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HGV Driver Shortage 2021: The Latest News

We’ve been writing about the HGV driver shortage since 2018. And now in 2021 the haulage industry not only finds itself in the same situation, but increasingly in a situation which is worsening when it comes to the recruitment of lorry...

VAT in 2021: Buying from the EU after Brexit

When the UK left the EU, we also left the customs union, single market and EU VAT regime. As such, businesses are having to get used to new processes and procedures when it comes to VAT after Brexit as well as other VAT 2021 changes not...

Brexit Import Duty Post-Brexit

Since the UK left the EU on the 31st December 2020, business have been adjusting to resulting changes to customs and VAT processes. Whilst a member of the EU, the UK was part of the EU customs and VAT systems. But now that this is no...

Comprehensive Motor Insurance – Bridging the Depreciation GAP

There are few commercial motor buyers that would not be aware of issues arising out of depreciation values of vehicles. Our experience is that there is also broad understanding that most motor insurers will only settle a total loss claim...

New Rules For Travelling to Europe For Work Explained

We know that travel for many is off the agenda at the moment with current COVID-19 regulation and guidance. Essential business travel continues to be allowed in some very limited circumstances ‘where it is not reasonably possible to...

How to Become an HGV Driver

If you are a would-be owner operator, getting started as an HGV driver or thinking of changing career to become an HGV driver then there are a number steps you will need to take to help you get started. Get the right qualifications The...

Brexit: The Northern Ireland Protocol

What is the Northern Ireland Protocol? Do you move goods into, out of, or through Northern Ireland? If the answer to the question above is yes, then you will need to be aware of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The Northern Ireland Protocol...

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