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Driver Behaviour: Risks In The Workplace

Driving for work is a dangerous occupation. And there are certain factors which can exacerbate this further and create additional risk in the workplace. Here we look at tiredness and fatigue, distracted driving and stress and the risks...

Keyless Car Thefts – Where Are We Now?

Reports of cars with keyless entry systems being stolen continue to make headlines. With data showing a continued increase in keyless car thefts between 2019 and 2020, with this type of theft now at a record high according to Tracker. How...

Comprehensive Motor Insurance – Bridging the Depreciation GAP

There are few commercial motor buyers that would not be aware of issues arising out of depreciation values of vehicles. Our experience is that there is also broad understanding that most motor insurers will only settle a total loss claim...

Spotlight on… Steve Blackmore

Steve is a familiar figure at Anthony Jones Insurance Brokers. As Head of Commercial Motor and a company director, in normal times he spends a lot of time out and about visiting commercial motor customers. During lockdown these meetings...

Vnuk Ruling – Some Common Sense at Last?

The problem arises from the 2014 decision of the European Court of Justice in Damijan Vnuk v Zavarovalnica Triglav. Mr Vnuk was injured in a Slovenian farmyard when he was knocked from a ladder by a trailer attached to a tractor. In...

Reducing The Risk Of Vehicle Theft

Whether you run a vehicle for personal, business or commercial usage, the last thing that anyone wants is for their vehicle to be stolen. But unfortunately, figures suggest that vehicle thefts have been increasing in recent years. As well...

Can Poppy Seeds Make Drivers Fail Drug Tests?

Driving under the influence of drugs is a serious offence. But studies have shown that some products that you wouldn’t normally associate with drugs can lead to failed drug tests and positive samples. Here we look specifically at whether...

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