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Average Price of Fleet Insurance: What Affects Your Costs?

Irrespective of the size of your fleet it is more important than ever to get the right fleet insurance for your business. Legislative, financial and social factors are all contributing to an upward trend in vehicle operators’ costs as...

What is next for electric trucks and HGVs?

Recent figures show that the electric car market grew by 10% in 2018, despite the overall market shrinking by 7%. With demand expected to only increase further in 2019 it would seem that we are starting to see a shift towards the electric...

How will Brexit affect HGV drivers and driver recruitment?

There is a level of uncertainty in the air when it comes to all things Brexit. Whilst the government are pushing ahead with the details of the potential deal there is no guarantee that this will be approved. Likewise, the EU have recently...

What is being done to address the HGV driver shortage?

We’ve blogged previously about the shortage of haulage drivers in the UK. The main factors thought to be contributing to the shortage within the transport and cargo industry are: • The current ageing workforce – the average age of a truck...

Brexit: What impact could it have on the haulage industry

We are all waiting and watching with interest at what is happening with Brexit. If it feels to you as if things change every day, then you are not alone. The focus is very much on the likelihood of a no deal outcome and what this could...

The threat of terrorism to the cargo industry

Terrorism is sadly still very much a feature of life today, with the threat and tactics used by terrorists constantly evolving and changing. Recent events have unfortunately seen the use of cars and lorries to carry out attacks. As a...

Potholes to be tackled by Budget funding

Tuesday’s budget saw positive news for drivers and those working within the business fleet industry with the announcement that £420m will be given to local councils in order to fix the ever-growing issue of potholes across the country’s...

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